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West Hollywood Braces for SCOTUS Ruling

June 25, 2013

By: Christopher Nikhil Bowen

WeHoians, Californians and Americans all across the country are waiting with bated breath for the Supreme Court Ruling that is to be handed down tomorrow on the cases of Hollingsworth v. Perry (Prop 8) and U.S. v. Windsor (DOMA).

English: The United States Supreme Court, the ...

English: The United States Supreme Court (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

With just hours remaining until we hear the news, lets review the likely split on the court. Remember, there are 9 total justices. I placed in brackets which President appointed the justice, and approximately what time they assumed office.

The court will also rule on the U.S. v. Windsor case, but they are less likely to take a strong stance on that case.

Many see the court’s rulings today as a negative indicator for progressive values, lets hope it doesn’t carry over for tomorrow’s rulings.

Prop 8 Invalid (Liberal)

1. Elena Kagan (Obama , August 2010)

2. Sonia Sotomayor (Obama , August 2009)

3. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Clinton , August 1993)

4. Stephen Breyer (Clinton , 1994)

Prop 8 Valid (Conservative)

1. Antonin Scalia (Reagan, September 1986)

2. Samuel Alito (W. Bush, January 2006)

3. Clarence Thomas (H.W. Bush, October 1991)

4. John G. Roberts (W. Bush , September 2005)

Swing Vote

1. Anthony Kennedy  (Reagan, February 1988)

If we look at the above information, it is clear now more than ever as to why elections matter.